Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From Japan to the USA in a Row Boat - No Way, Yes, the Frenchman Did It Alright

Sometimes our society does not understand the need for individual freedom, nor does it understand those individuals that care so much about freedom, liberty, and the right to pursue their own happiness. You see, most people do what society wants them to do, or what their family thinks they should be doing, rather than what they actually want to do. In fact, we see this in our modern era as people go onto Facebook, and try to become like everyone else with a little touch of personal flair to show their uniqueness, but never outside the boundary.

If they stray too far from the norm they are liable to be called or labeled crazy, and they will not have the number of "normal friends" by society's standards to keep them in a socially acceptable position. Still, the right to pursue your own happiness, and seizing freedom and liberty to do so, shows that you are a real person, and you are living your life on your terms, not swayed by what society thinks, but rather what you observe, experience, and what you've decided that you'd like to do.

Let me give you a crazy example from some crazy Frenchman, at least that's what the world called him when he set out to row his boat across the Pacific Ocean. Now then, this might sound like a death wish, or someone with suicidal tendencies, but this individual loves life, and he'd already rowed across the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps he wanted to put another notch on his oars, and tackle the world's greatest challenge. Rather than me tell the story, I'd like to recommend a very good book which I just completed reading. This is a book that I do own, and the title is;

"Alone - The Man Who Braved the Vast Pacific and Won," by Gerard d'Aboville, Arcade Publishing, New York, NY, 1992, 167 pages, ISBN: 1-55970-246-X.

Although he set out late in the season, and therefore experienced horrific weather, and capsized no less than 17 times, and almost drowned twice, he made his voyage, lived to tell about it, and proved to all of us who refuse to live within society's constrictive boundaries that you can do anything you put your mind too. It is great to see such perseverance, strength of character, and willpower in one person. Some folks may call him crazy, but I believe he is a great man.

Let me ask you something; are you ever going to do anything great in your life, or are you just going to live a life of mediocrity, never challenging your full potential, and never taking any risks? A life well lived is one which is lived across the spectrum of emotion, and without avoiding the hardships along the way. A life well lived is one which enjoys the process, the experience, and one which remains undeterred. Indeed, I hope you will read this book, and think about what I've said here today.

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