Wednesday, June 20, 2012

History of Paintball Guns - From Manual to Automatic Paintball Guns

When it comes to the History of Paintball Guns, there is a lot to take in. Much like a lot of other things (such as technology) once it got popular it exploded to the point where it has progressed and evolved at a very fast rate. As a direct response to this, weapons got more powerful (not in terms of how hard they hit) and accurate, as well as much better situated in terms of their rate of fire and ease of use. As time goes along, the weapons keep getting better and better with more features.

As for myself, I clearly remember back when paintball guns had to be cocked before every shot. This caused a huge hassle because it was extremely hard to keep shooting when you had to deal with the cocking all of the time. Later on, it became semi-automatics where you had to cock them before each air cartridge (more or less if the air ran out, you would have to replace it and re-cock the rifle before being able to use it again).

Along with this, they used to have only manual loaders, which although they worked (sometimes), they would also get jammed quite often. With a semi-automatic paintball gun you had to be careful because if you shot too fast, without giving the paintball time to drop down into the chamber, you would blow it up by only shooting half of it.

Issues like the above are all obsolete now. They are all part of the history of paintball guns but are no longer present (at least not as prominent as before). Now we have tons of different weapons, as well as more effective ways of using them. For example, we now have Paintball Bazookas and Paintball Grenades. Both of these are excellent additions to the paintball arsenal because they have splash effects. We also have the Paintball Sniper rifles now, which allow much better precision while shooting (although still not as good as a real sniper rifle). Probably the best upgrade that has been made so far is the addition of fully Automatic Paintball Guns. These are things we could have only dreamed about years ago.

Now that you understand the history of paintball guns, it should open your eyes to how much they have evolved over the years. Maybe later on we will come out with a whole new type of paintball weaponry!

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Military Paintball Guns - Emulate Military Weaponry

Military paintball guns are awesome. Especially for those who have been in the service before and have experienced what it is like to use things like grenades and mines, the usage of them in paintballing really brings back memories (some good, some possibly not so good). For those who have not been in the service, it also allows for experiencing what our military uses in combat - in a non-lethal form, of course.

When it comes to the military paintball guns people are the most interested in learning about and experiencing for themselves, the paintball sniper rifles and paintball bazooka are extremely high on the list. Both of these weapons are things that are deadly in the real-world, making them something a lot of people would never imagine messing with. In the paintball world, however, these are perfectly fine and are harmless - assuming, of course, that everyone is wearing their proper gear and is playing safely.

The sniper rifles, although not as accurate as their real-world counterparts, are more accurate than most other guns. These are by far one of my favorite military paintball guns due to the "perching" you get to do when wielding one. The more you play with them, the better you will get with them; in the beginning they are hard for most players to understand due to their slower firing rate (which leads to needing to have higher accuracy on your shots).

The bazooka, on the other hand, does not really require accuracy, but is also slow firing. The difference is that it explodes in an area-of-effect way, splashing everyone around it. Making sure you are a good distance from your target is essential to keeping yourself "safe." This is considered as one of the most effective military paintball guns for use in areas where people are hiding behind objects. Due to the splash, you can easily hit a wall behind someone and still tag them out.

Aside from these, there are also the paintball mines and paintball grenades. These are fun because they allow you to use strategy (by laying mines) and throw exploding objects at your enemies. The grenades could also be used in a grenade launcher, which attaches to your rifle. The mines come in different flavors such as: trip-wire, motion sensing, and impact. Each of these is good in different situations so learning how and when to use them is part of the fun!

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Experience Skydiving

Adventure activities are gaining in popularity, perhaps because we spend most of our day indoors, staring at monitors and screens. Once upon a time, life itself was an adventure. Being chased by a bear, walking down a darkened alley, an encounter with a highwayman, or travelling even a few miles away from one's village provided a thrill that made one feel alive. Today we need to generate our thrills and one of the best ways is skydiving. There are few more pulse quicken activities than jumping out of a plane and freefalling to earth.

The first "skydivers" didn't do it for pleasure. With the invention of the hot air balloon, the parachute was invented as a means to safely return to earth in the event of trouble. The first recorded jump was by a Frenchman called Andre-Jacues Garnerin in 1759. John Hampton was the first Englishman to make a successful jump. In 1838 he leapt from a hot balloon at a height of about 2700 meters. The canvas chute had whalebone ribs, bamboo stretchers, and copper tubing attaching the chute to a wicker basket. The jump lasted over 12 minutes and Mr. Hampton explained to the crowd that the initial leap and decent had literally taken his breath away.

The parachute continued to be used mainly as a safety device until after the Great War when barnstormers made skydiving part of the show. It was after WWII that recreational skydiving gained popularity. The combination of surplus chutes, plus the experience of servicemen who had found the experience thrilling ignited the sport as we know it today.

For a one-time experience, most choose to skydive in tandem with an instructor. With this approach, no special training or experience is needed. A safety briefing is conducted and the instructor goes over the basic procedures for a safe jump. One then takes to the sky and when the right altitude and location is reached, out you go. Going tandem is a wonderful introduction to the sport. You'll be attached to the chest of the instructorvia a specially designed harness. This means the sensation of free fall and decent is almost identical to that of a solo jump.

For the more ambitious and adventurous, one can take a course to be able to solo dive. Solo diving allows one to fall for longer periods as well as begin developing better control in free-fall. The course can be taken over the course of months, or there are accelerated versions that can be completed in as little as a fortnight. Most courses include a number of solo jumps and an international license allowing the holder to jump at any drop zone around the world. For those that get hooked on the rush, one can join clubs and participate in competitions.

Finding a skydiving school to do either a tandem or solo jump is simply thanks to the internet. There are over 20 designated drop zones in the UK, so one shouldn't be more than an hour's drive from a school. All providers must be accredited and the BPA (British Parachuting Association) regulates and monitors all parachuting schools. When inquiring with a provider, it is well worth asking about the safety record and equipment used at the location. Whilst accidents are extremely rare, it pays to ask questions.

So get out and get the heart pumping. Skydiving provides a rush that is difficult to match by other adventures. That first step into the void is unforgettable.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE CRITIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

How Using Quality Paintball Paint Will Drastically Improve Your Paintball Game

Paintball is a game that has gained quite a bit of steam over the years as more people have been introduced to it. While paintball originally started out as a game to play as a hobby with a few friends, it has evolved into something much bigger, with professional teams getting started and the game transitioning into a full on sport. Paintball is a popular event for friends, company events and team building, bachelor parties, birthday parties and more. No matter how often you go paintballing, the competitor in you is always going to want to get the advantage and win the games, and by using quality paintball paint, you can improve your game by quite a bit.

Unless you are somewhat of an expert in paintball, this information might be new to you, and very helpful. The thing is, there is more than one type of paintball paint that you can buy, and it gets broken down to what level of paintball you are going to be playing at. There are three different levels of paintball paint that you can buy, which are cheap recreational paintballs, mid-grade paintballs, and tournament paintballs. Let's discuss them in more detail.

Recreational paintballs are probably that ones that you have been using if you only play paintball as a hobby from time to time with your friends. You can buy cheap paintball paint like this at any paintball facility, and it will do the job and should run you around $30 a case if you buy online and around $45 a case at the paintball facility. There are a few levels of this kind of recreational paintball paint as well. Some of the lower end discount paintballs are actually re-shelled, or recycled from older spent or damaged paintballs. This cheaper type of paintball paint is not highly recommended as it tends to break in the gun and will not be as accurate due to slight deformations in the paintball shell. A slightly higher grade of recreational paintball paint should hold up a bit better for the average player. At the recreational level, these paintballs range anywhere from about $30-$50 for a case of 2000, with the shell having a moderate thickness, a runny fill, and occasions where the balls will not break on impact and simply bounce off.

As stated, using quality paintball paint will help improve your game, and so you might be interested in the mid-grade level as this is the most popular type of paint. This is still pretty inexpensive, running you anywhere from $45-$60 for a case of 2000 if you buy from a good online retailer, $50-$75 a case at a typical paintball arena. These mid-grade paintballs have more complexions, less dimples, with a smoother shell and a thicker level of paint on the inside. These mid-grade paintballs will give you better accuracy and will break more often upon impact.

Finally, you have the tournament level paintballs. You can buy paintball paint of this caliber at most paintball shops, and at most facilities; it will run you between $65-$90 for a case of 2000. You can definitely find better deals on pro paintball paint online. These are the best paintballs that you can get, with the highest accuracy, the thickest level of paint, and will almost always break on impact. However if you are not using a high quality paintball gun the thinness of these paintballs might be a factor. These thin paintballs are meant to be sure to burst, if the balls bounce off your target, how does anyone know that you hit them? If you want to improve your game to the maximum, you need this caliber of paintball paint and a quality paintball gun to fire them.

For those of you who only play from time to time, recreational paint will suffice just fine. If you are in the least bit serious about paintball and want to get better at your game, consider moving up to the mid-grade and tournament level paintball paint. You will not be disappointed!

This news article is brought to you by LOVE - where latest news are our top priority.

The Best Way to Choose a Longboard Is By Body Type

One of the best ways to choose which longboard is best for you is by factoring in your body type...i.e your height and weight. One brand that this is extremely easy to do with is Loaded Longboards. They offer multiple flex and length options for a lot of their boards. Choosing the correct deck for your height and weight also gives you the best reaction from the board.. If you choose the right flex and length you will be able to get the correct responsiveness and high energy potential that the board was made to produce. Unfortunately you see some people buy boards just for a graphic or they were talked into it by an inexperienced rider...but if you take the time to do some research and talk to people at your local shop you will find out that buying the best longboard for you can make your whole riding experience ten times better. You see by getting a board that fits your body type you basically have a board that has been crafted for you. This then translates into better performance through flex, response,and energy potential.

Here is some points to keep in mind.

1. The number one thing you will want to do is find out which companies offer different lengths and flexes. This one act will cut your time in half when it comes to choosing a longboard. You will not be wasting your time on decks that just won't work with your body type. Once you decide which brands offer you a varied selection start looking at which decks within that brand offer the flex and length for you. You see not every brand and board within a brand is made in multiple flexes and lengths. I know it sounds a little too much. You just wanted to go out and buy the coolest looking longboard...I get it. You know what? You can. I did it and so did a ton of other people that's part of learning. Trial and error. I'm just giving you some suggestions to get the best longboard for yourself. You could say I'm just trying to cut down on your trial and error time.

2. Once you have your list of decks that you have researched its time to start looking around for some reviews. See what other people are saying about those particular decks. See if they last long or if they get beat up way too fast. See if they razor tail super quickly or not. Make sure that the gripe tape lasts. All these things add up to help you take the guess work out buying the best board for you. That will last! So know you have a list of boards and brands. You have looked at the reviews online to see which boards are constructed better and which ones aren't. Now its time to take the huge leap of purchasing the board.

3. Here we go! The big day of choosing YOUR longboard. So yo have gone over your body type and chosen the best fit for that. You have read the reviews and narrowed down your choice even more. Now what? Well if you have a local shop in town head over there with your list and check out the boards first hand. Step on them, hold them, check out the shape and graphics to make sure you truly like one of them. From that point it's a gut'll know which deck is the right one for you. It you don't have a local shop...that's sucks. However you are not out of luck. One of the beauties of the time we live in is that you can pretty much buy anything you ever wanted online. Longboards are no exception. Those sites you found the reviews on usually will have list of trustworthy shops on them or you can always check someone like amazon who is super trustworthy. It's up to you just make sure wherever you buy it from they have friendly return/exchange policy in case your first deck isn't the right one you can easily exchange it without hassle.

There you go...three tips on buying the best longboard for you. It is now time for you to get to work and choose that board. The faster you are the faster you'll be out thrashin with the rest of us. So get to it and we'll see you at the local spots.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ways to Play Paintball

Just because you've played paintball for a while doesn't mean that you've played all the kinds of paintball that exist. What, you didn't know that there were different kinds? In fact, there are two main kinds of paintball: speedball paintball and woodsball. However, we will only be talking about one of them, speedball, for right now. We will focus on another type of paintball, but it is a fringe type that many readers might not know about.

Speedball paintball
First, let's focus on speedball paintball and how it is played. In speedball paintball, there are dozens of bunkers all over the field. These bunkers have to be set up exactly the same way on each side so that neither team has an unfair advantage. It also makes it easier for spectators to identify the locations and the players from their viewpoint. Speedball paintball can be played for recreational purposes, but it can also be played professionally in some areas, which is why the game is set up with spectators in mind.

Speedball paintball is a team game, and teams can be made up of three, five, seven or ten players. The players work together in order to eliminate the other team. Generally a player is eliminated if any part of their body or their equipment is hit by a paintball. This means that players try to stay as hidden as possible. It also means that most of these professional players tend to lean more toward smaller paintball markers so that they don't become too large of a target for the opposite team to focus on.

If you feel that you are an experienced enough paintball player, try out for a professional team. You might have to travel to find an area that actually has a league, but it can be worth it in order to be part of this specialized community. The fans tend to be very dedicated, especially since it is such a relatively unknown sort of sports league. It can be a rewarding experience, and you might find that your hobby can turn into some extra profits if you end up winning.

One the other end of the spectrum, there are also inexperienced players that need to tone the game down a little bit and play in a safer way. When we say inexperienced players, we mean very inexperienced... so much so that older players might have guns that are older than them. That's right, we're talking about the young players out there. Paintball can be adapted so that kids can start to play early on in life, and the joy of playing will often stick with them as they get older.

Mini paintball
Young players need a specific, less dangerous way to experience paintball: mini paintball. These games are especially designed with certain, smaller players in mind. They are given smaller paintball markers (sometimes also marketed as mini paintball guns) and plenty of safety equipment. Of course, parents will have to sign waivers and consent forms. Any game like this carries some danger, so weigh the risks and benefits before letting your child take part in anything like this. However, many parents would agree that their children are much more responsible than people might give them credit for. It's okay to let your child enjoy some "dangerous" forms of fun like this once in a while, especially if he or she has consistently acted mature and has enough common sense to handle a paintball marker safely.

Parents are encouraged to stay and watch their child as he or she participates in the game. They'll be able to watch and talk with other parents as their child runs around and gets a first taste of the exciting world of paintball. Although you might worry that the paintballs might sting, the children rarely complain about it. Some fields give the kids extra padding for protection, but others realize that the large amount of equipment the kids are required to wear is enough to keep them from getting seriously injured.

In the end, you'll realize that paintball is truly for everyone. No matter what your age is or how much experience you bring to the game, you'll be able to find a field where you fit in perfectly.

This news article is brought to you by INSECTS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Particular Kinds of Paintball Tanks and Their Distinctions

Paintball which began back in the year 1976 has experienced a constant improvement in recognition. The main technique powering paintball is actually to shoot your own challenger using a ball of paint which is traveling at exceedingly high speeds, therefore "getting rid of" him and getting your own group a stride nearer to one more victory.

The velocity of Speed a individual's paintball moves is definitely a critical aspect with regard to this kind of sport, since the slower moving paintballs may be dodged easier by your competitors. You will find basically two kinds of propellant tanks which are employed; High Pressure Air / CO2 or even Nitrogen.

Type one - CO2 Paintball Tanks

These kind of tanks make use of what can be described as liquid CO2 which in turn stretches itself right into a gas which in turn takes the particular paintball and ignites it out the particular barrel. Among the unwanted effects of using a CO2 tank for longer intervals is the fact that deposits of ice can build around the tank itself. The actual main reason for this is since the water Carbon Dioxide enlargement converting from the water to a gas needs heat power, ultimately this may result in the counter impact from the propellant tank getting cold. Mix this together with long periods of usage and also you get the development of ice.

Whenever these CO2 paintball tanks are utilized in a quick trend they could turn out to be hard to rely on with regard to both distance as well as accuracy and reliability. This is due to the CO2 needs time to increase out to a form that's gaseous so when your own trigger pulls are extremely fast the interior pressure may not form completely.

Tanks like these also can hold the propensity to leak due to erosion from the seals and also o-rings, however with a few servicing and also care this generally may be avoided. CO2 paintball tanks shouldn't be directly left inside the sun's rays for too much time because there is a few risk of the interior gas increasing to a degree that might be dangerous.

Type two - High- Pressure Air and also Nitrogen Paintball Tanks

Nitrogen tanks as well as high- pressure air operate in a diverse way in comparison to CO2 tanks given that they do not have to increase a liquid in to a gas to make propellant impact; the reason being the fabric has already been shaped in a gaseous state. For this procedure it increases both the length as well as accuracy above CO2 paintball tank. These tanks will usually tend to grow colder whenever employed, however the general impact far less when compared with Carbon Dioxide tanks.

While they are usually favored more than CO2 paintball tanks, the particular nitrogen and also high--pressure forms of air tanks have several drawbacks. The load of nitrogen and also high- pressure tanks are usually higher plus they are also bigger when compared with Carbon Dioxide tanks, considering that the propellant is in a form which is gaseous. You can find smaller tanks which are created but will generally not have adequate gas in order to last out an extended game. Nitrogen and also high- pressure paintball tank furthermore are more expensive to purchase, but re-filling them far less expensive as compared to refill tanks.

This news article is brought to you by GADGETS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Special Ops Paintball Review

Paintball is a fascinating sport, regardless of who you play it with. But, that is probably why it is such an entertaining sport, as you can enjoy a good match with your friends, strangers, and even family! When I first discovered how fun this sport was, I set out to find the best of the best the paintball industry had to offer. After a little research I found three renowned companies that were considered by many to be the top three paintball companies. These companies are Special Ops, Zap, and NXe. Below are some of my thoughts on these paintball companies.

Special Ops

Special Ops is a fairly new business that was started by Jayson Orvis. This company distributes, and manufactures accessories, guns, vests, packs, air, and other items related to the paintball sport. Both paintball ethusiasts and beginners all over the world buy various products from this company. Anyone can easily find what they are looking for on Special Ops. I personally like this company because they produce high end and reliable equipment that are perfect for paintball warfare.


This company also distributes and markets third party paintball equipment. In addition, they develop and design their own paintball items, and sell them to the international market. You will be able to find related markers, safety equipment, accessories, and game supplies, on their online retailers and land-based retailers. Individuals who are looking for superior quality paintball brands and equipment should definitely try out ZAP. The company has been around since 1989, and has extensive experience in engineering, manufacturing, and distributing.


NXe is a well known producer of various paintball accessory products. One of the leading brand in the paintball industry, they supply gear bags, tank covers, pod harnesses, and paintball protective equipment. If you are looking for stylish, reilable, and sturdy equipment to use on the paintball field, then try using NXe gear.

This paintball company distributes a wide variety of products. You can easily find their products on their official website, as well as popular online retailers such as You can purchase elevation pants, paintball harness, pods, tactical vests, barrel accessories, protective gear, and much more from this distributor.


A paintball match can be extremely exciting and entertaining. This is especially true if you have reliable, efficient, and functional equipment. I personally discovered while playing paintball that various paintball accessories such as gun enhancers, barrel enhancers, vests, etc, can significantly enrich the experience of playing with paintballs.

Also, with high end equipment, you will have a huge advantage over your opponents in the paintball field. There are numerous different items, accessories, and equipment that you can use to make your paintball experience more enjoyable.

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