Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ways to Play Paintball

Just because you've played paintball for a while doesn't mean that you've played all the kinds of paintball that exist. What, you didn't know that there were different kinds? In fact, there are two main kinds of paintball: speedball paintball and woodsball. However, we will only be talking about one of them, speedball, for right now. We will focus on another type of paintball, but it is a fringe type that many readers might not know about.

Speedball paintball
First, let's focus on speedball paintball and how it is played. In speedball paintball, there are dozens of bunkers all over the field. These bunkers have to be set up exactly the same way on each side so that neither team has an unfair advantage. It also makes it easier for spectators to identify the locations and the players from their viewpoint. Speedball paintball can be played for recreational purposes, but it can also be played professionally in some areas, which is why the game is set up with spectators in mind.

Speedball paintball is a team game, and teams can be made up of three, five, seven or ten players. The players work together in order to eliminate the other team. Generally a player is eliminated if any part of their body or their equipment is hit by a paintball. This means that players try to stay as hidden as possible. It also means that most of these professional players tend to lean more toward smaller paintball markers so that they don't become too large of a target for the opposite team to focus on.

If you feel that you are an experienced enough paintball player, try out for a professional team. You might have to travel to find an area that actually has a league, but it can be worth it in order to be part of this specialized community. The fans tend to be very dedicated, especially since it is such a relatively unknown sort of sports league. It can be a rewarding experience, and you might find that your hobby can turn into some extra profits if you end up winning.

One the other end of the spectrum, there are also inexperienced players that need to tone the game down a little bit and play in a safer way. When we say inexperienced players, we mean very inexperienced... so much so that older players might have guns that are older than them. That's right, we're talking about the young players out there. Paintball can be adapted so that kids can start to play early on in life, and the joy of playing will often stick with them as they get older.

Mini paintball
Young players need a specific, less dangerous way to experience paintball: mini paintball. These games are especially designed with certain, smaller players in mind. They are given smaller paintball markers (sometimes also marketed as mini paintball guns) and plenty of safety equipment. Of course, parents will have to sign waivers and consent forms. Any game like this carries some danger, so weigh the risks and benefits before letting your child take part in anything like this. However, many parents would agree that their children are much more responsible than people might give them credit for. It's okay to let your child enjoy some "dangerous" forms of fun like this once in a while, especially if he or she has consistently acted mature and has enough common sense to handle a paintball marker safely.

Parents are encouraged to stay and watch their child as he or she participates in the game. They'll be able to watch and talk with other parents as their child runs around and gets a first taste of the exciting world of paintball. Although you might worry that the paintballs might sting, the children rarely complain about it. Some fields give the kids extra padding for protection, but others realize that the large amount of equipment the kids are required to wear is enough to keep them from getting seriously injured.

In the end, you'll realize that paintball is truly for everyone. No matter what your age is or how much experience you bring to the game, you'll be able to find a field where you fit in perfectly.

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